Disclaimer of liabiltiy

References and Links

Our website may contain links and references to websites of third parties. We would like to point out the fact that we have no influence on the design and content of the websites to which links have been included and we can therefore provide no guarantee. The third party is exclusively responsible for the content of its website. However, at the time of linking or referencing we reviewed these websites for obvious legal violations and had no such findings. As it is impossible and unreasonable to continuously review linked websites, we can therefore only respond to concrete incidents. Should a statutory violation become known, then these links and references shall be cancelled immediately.

Own Contents 

As service provider we are responsible for our own contents on this side. We have created this very carefully, but can take no responsibility for the completeness and timeliness. We have no obligation to monitor any transferred or saved foreign data, or to investigate acts indicating illegal operations. Obligations for the removal or blocking of the use of information in accordance with the general laws remain unaffected here. A liability referring to this is however only possible from the moment of actual notice of a specific infringement. Should any corresponding infringements of the law become known, we shall remove this content immediately.

Data Privacy 

Provided that personal data (as for example name, address, e-mail address) must be necessarily raised, we refer to our data protection explanation. We take care, as far as this is possible, to allow the use of our offer without information of personal data.

Unsolicited sending of advertising 

Information published by us under the imprint data show no implied approval with the sending or transmission of advertising measures. We expressly ask to refrain from the sending of unsolicited advertisement and reserve to us with offence a legal pursuit.